(03) 9041 4141
Medical Acupuncture is performed by a doctor in a sterile and comfortable environment. New needles are used for each patient.
Dr Tilak Dissanayake is an endorsed Medical acupuncturist by AHPRA, which is highlighed on his Medical Registration.
The general theory of acupuncture is based on the premise that bodily functions are regulated by an energy called qi (pronounced "chee") that which flows through the body; disruptions of this flow are believed to be responsible for disease.
Acupuncture describes a family of procedures aiming to correct imbalances by stimulation of anatomical locations on or under the skin (called acupuncture points or acupoints) by penetration of the skin by thin metal needles. These needles are manipulated manually or by electrical stimulation.
A Medicare rebate is available when patients are undergoing treatment by a doctor who has completed training and it is recognised on his/her Medical Registration.
Dr Tilak Dissanayake acupuncturist services are completely (100%) rebateable.
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